Back Posture and Eye Contact

When I was in junior high school, I thought it looked cool to slouch, so I did. My grandpa (Papa) would come up behind me and gently pull back my shoulders to correct my poor back posture, and I would stand up straight only for a little while.

He was right. It looks weak to slouch.

You don’t want to look weak in life.

You don’t want to come off as insecure, tired, lame, or weary. People target people who look like this.

Stand up straight, and look people in the eye. No, you don’t have to stare at them in a creepy way, but greet them with a straight posture and an eye connection that lets them know that you are confident enough in yourself to look them straight in the eyes.

The evil ones in our world go after those who appear vulnerable. They are like wild animals looking for the weakest prey to devour.

Sometimes, just a strong posture and a quick acknowledgment with the eyes is enough to keep such evil away, as they almost always seek the path of least resistance, which is why they are who they are.

Being confident is great, but don’t forget to appear confident as well. Match the inward with the outward, and if the inward isn’t there yet, the outward can be.

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