Being Like Everyone Else

Look around and see what everyone else is doing. If you are doing what they are doing, expect to be just like them. You probably don’t want to be just like everyone else. Remember, the gate to destruction is wide.

Creative people need to be able to copy others in some areas but be completely unique at the same time. Imitating others is fine if you want to be just like them, but you might need to change things up a bit if you want to stand out. You’ll have more success starting a trend instead of following one, although starting one is much more difficult.

When aiming to be unique, simply be more you. You are unique, and God has created you specifically to be the best you that you can be. You weren’t made to be just like your friend. You weren’t made to be just like your pastor. You weren’t made to be just like a historical Bible character or popular celebrity.

You have a unique part of God’s fingerprint on your soul, so share it with the world. Have it come out in your creative endeavors, confident and uncalloused by the world. 

And the things in your life that need to change, change them by following those who are good examples. Imitate those who are doing it right. You will become like the people you spend your time with. You will become like those you listen to. So be cautious of who your influences are, and be the authentic you who God has called you to be.

Staying Silent

There are going to be certain times in life when you must speak up loudly, but there are going to be more times when you should stay silent. Being meek is not popular today, but there is great inheritance in it.

Not every hill is one to die on. Not every issue is one to lose a relationship over.

You may have a powerful argument backed up by great evidence, but you don’t have to share it because sometimes when you win the argument, you really lose.

When you do debate, speak kindly to others, desiring the best for them. Have your discord be covered in prayer. Practice loving those who you know disagree with you.

Know that winning the argument won’t necessarily change anyone or their beliefs. You don’t have that much power, but God does.

Trust God to guide people in the right direction as you earnestly pray for them, relying on his sovereignty. Remember that people aren’t here to please you. They are here to worship God, and we don’t see every moment of their life, but God does. Don’t relinquish any of your love for them, but relax a little, and this will help you stay silent when you are meant to.

Being an Influencer

Believe it or not, you’re an influencer. Start living like one now. You may not feel like you have many followers, but there are people watching you and following at a distance. You may not be an influencer on social media, but as a follower of Jesus, you influence others by how you live your daily life.

The enemy will lie to you and tell you that you’re nothing special and that you can live your life anyway you want without consequence because you don’t really matter.

You matter!

When you fall into depressive slumps in life or live like you don’t really matter, you rob others from the blessing of your influence.

You have the light of the world in you. Not everyone does. The majority doesn’t.

Much of the work you do in life will be transient and ephemeral, but influencing people is often eternal and everlasting.

So shine brightly, make your decisions carefully, and influence the world around you well. Although people will most likely never say it, they need your influence because you are influenced by the Holy Spirit. Let them see the goodness of God in you through your daily worship.

When to Fight

There will be times in life when people disrespect you. Although it’s not pleasant, being disrespected is part of the human experience. There will be situations where getting into a physical altercation with someone will seem warranted at that present moment, but don’t do it.

When there’s an opportunity to walk away, always do so. Always! Even if it makes you feel weak. Having the opportunity, ability, and authority to destroy but choosing to hold back is the true demonstration of strength.

So hold back.

You really never want to hurt another human being—a lost child of God. And those who live ready to engage in physical altercations often die by them.

Walk away.

Don’t worry. Justice will be served. God is the judge, but there are also natural consequences that follow foolish actions. That person who disrespected you will disrespect another person and another and then another until he finally encounters someone who is just like him.

Those who fight instead of walk away don’t have much to lose, but you do. Don’t let uncontrolled emotions and rash decisions make you become like them.  

There may come a time in life when you will be forced to physically defend yourself or a loved one. Be prepared to do it well. Know how to fight, and know how to fight violently. There are no rules when you are defending life. You can pray like a poet, but fight like a beast.

Don’t expect anyone who is trying to physically hurt you to show you mercy. You are different though; as soon as the threat is neutralized, walk away.

The foolish man doesn’t know how to fight. The lucky man knows how to fight but never has to. The wise man knows how to fight but finds ways to avoid it when he can.