
Be cautious of those who use Christian language and terminology to convey false Christian messages. There will be those who claim they follow Jesus, but the Jesus they believe in is a fictitious character developed from their own selected sections of scripture combined with personal philosophies.

They use words like love, spirit, peace, and truth but assign them different meanings than how scripture uses them. They are manipulative with words and replace logic with emotion. Their argumentation is selective. They don’t understand faith, and they are in rebellion against God’s sovereignty. They claim to have new truth discoveries and teach that all those who were before them were wrong.

They throw dirt on the church and self-righteously criticize Christians who aren’t like them. They are ear ticklers and people pleasers. Their doctrines change with the wind, and they brag about being accepting of sin. They claim they teach scripture while at the same time deny the validity of it.

But there’s a good tool for protecting yourself and others against such dangerous pretenders—the Bible. Read it, study it, meditate on it, and live it. Nothing can stand against God’s Word; nothing ever has, and nothing ever will.

One thought on “Pretenders

  1. Mike Murdock and Joel Osteen are what I consider just a couple of such false teachers of the Bible, and they have a large audience or following! Why is that, is it because so many people are this ignorant of truth and what righteousness really is! Or is it just that too many people don’t want truth but want philosophy that conforms to their own personal lifestyle and the living of a secular materialistic life!  I say it’s more the latter because given the choice people don’t want to sacrifice and take the narrow path to eternal salvation but would rather please their own gut as they say and live for today while letting tomorrow take care of itself!

    I add this which I wrote back in February.

    I don’t want to read into anything the Left and Radical Cabal think or will do with themselves! I do know that for a transsexual diabolically corrupt person to run for president would be an abomination as well as a death knell for those involved and America itself, if it were to happen!

    With all of the horrendous transgressions already occurring in America and around the globe I think anything is possible; but only if God allows it! I think that God is going to obviously have to draw the line in the sand in the short term before matters get much worse! With already the blasphemy of reassigning children’s gender, trans-humanism and this twisted ideology that’s now being pushed extensively, which even says a man can have a baby, all of this has now entered into the territory of a “Sodom and Gomorrah World” out of control; with “the father of all lies having a firm grip on humanity” like never before in Modern History!

    The Plan-demic accentuated this point, when humans around the globe were being treated like nothing more than cords of wood for the fire, and so along with all of these other developments it’s clearly saying to me; that this world has passed the point that Hitler brought it all to, with the Third Reich, and we know that he was demonically possessed!

    Humanity is almost vanquished globally, the bare indifference and self-centered materialistic living for pleasure and possessions is now over the top and ugly!
    God have mercy on this terribly sick world!

    This excerpt from your fine essay is cutting to the chase, as being from the fount of truth and wisdom beyond human understanding “Nothing can stand against God’s Word; nothing ever has, and nothing ever will.” 

    So a person is wise to refresh his or her self in God’s word daily to avoid being sucked in by the “crooked ways of the world” which the father of all lies and also all false teachers are well versed in!  They are quite adept in using falsehood and can manipulate those individuals, foolish or confused enough to listen as they bounce around with whatever direction the winds or fads of life may carry them, thereby never standing on firm or solid ground in order to gain a footing of truth and wisdom which would fully protect them from all assaults by the wicked.

    And then we can find the “Plain Truth of God in His Word” to us regarding how we really should serve Him and stop with the grandstanding or using our own wills to achieve anything of any lasting value!

    John 3:30 “Jesus must become more important, while I become less important.”

    Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

    Philippians 2:6-8 “Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross.”


    The human race is in big trouble and waking up before it’s too late is mandatory while also being absolutely possible!

    Thank you Jesus!

    Brother in-Christ Jesus-Lawrence

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