
One of the toughest challenges of our spiritual walk is to cease seeking to be glorified and to glorify God instead. It’s so natural for us to want to be praised, appreciated, valued, and glorified, and there are times in life when you will get a little recognition and attention, and that’s okay.

But when the purpose of life centers around getting praise and glory, instead of giving it, that’s when you will become a very depressed and anxious person. That’s when you will become a glory robber instead of a glory giver. That’s also when you will become a very disliked person.

Jesus, who deserves all the glory, demonstrated to us by example of how to be a servant.

Sometimes Christians seek glorification in the name of Jesus. For example, someone might desire to become a successful author to share the message of Christ to the lost or become a popular musical artist to share new worship music to the world. Don’t seek fame, riches, and glory in the name of Jesus.

It’s okay to be successful, famous, and even rich, but that should never be the end goal. The most powerful thing you can do for the kingdom of God is to faithfully worship him through your humble, daily lifestyle, in everything you do.

Instead of seeking to become a celebrity for the kingdom, default your identity to being a child of God. Everything else should be secondary, and compared to being God’s child, everything else really is secondary.

Just focus on your created purpose. You were created to worship. Everyone will worship something. Many will worship themselves. Worship God, for he is the one who is truly worthy to be glorified.

One thought on “Self-Glorification

  1. Beautifully stated here Terry! I was just walking and talking with a lady today about this very point, as I quote this excerpt here; “desire to become a successful author,” I told her that is what so many people I’ve run into doing my own writing or during so many conversations in many settings with a variety of people that expressed their greatest desire or goal to be famous and rich! I say to them, “what good is it to do all of that and not worship and glorify my all loving God through Jesus Christ!” 

    Mark 8:36 “What will you gain, if you own the whole world but destroy yourself?”

    I wouldn’t exist if not for God and the opportunity He has provided out of His eternal love!  I would have no chance of continuing on beyond this very short material at times very painful life, that has no ultimate peace or joy, which can only be attained by loving and worshiping God, who is offering us all that we could ever imagine; beyond any and all human imaginings!

    It all comes down to this Scripture that spells it out concisely!

    1 Corinthians 2:8-10 “None of the rulers of this age understood it. For if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9Rather, as it is written: “ No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 10But God has revealed it to us by the Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.”


    Thank you!


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