Get Stuff Done

Make a list before you go to bed at night of all you would like to get done the next day.

Listed tasks can include the following: Bible study topics, workouts, emails and phone calls, specific prayers, house chores, etc.   

When you wake up the next morning, start working on your list.

Having a list allows you to keep your mind free from floating anxiety. When you know you have a lot to do, it all floats around in your mind causing weighing stress. When you have an organized list, you can keep your mind free from it all and glance at your list throughout the day.

With an organized mind, you can have clarity to focus on what’s important—God and people. The unsure stress of daily tasks often distracts people from worshiping God and loving people.

Don’t stress about what you need to do. Just do it now. Get it done.

Typically, difficult tasks are challenging because you don’t know exactly how to complete them. Part of being a man is figuring stuff out and getting it done.

Anyone can do something they know how to do. Learn to enjoy the process of figuring stuff out, and life will be more enjoyable.

Learn to love the challenge. Every time something doesn’t work the way it should, see it as an opportunity to learn something new and become more knowledgeable, experienced, and skilled. This will make you more valuable to all around you, and you will have more opportunities to help others. You will have the experience to be a blessing to others—a teacher instead of just a taker.